Random words on the page, speak of broken dreams and pent-up rage, spilling out ink from the pen, burn it all, start again.
- Bold Like Black

04 May, 2011

Colour My World THESAURUS

Hello, all you beautiful people!
How goes your day?

So, you know the thing that writers do, that they’re not supposed to do, but they do anyway. Especially when they have to write, but they don’t, they do . . . other things…
Well, I found myself doing just that, but the only thing is,  it was constructive.
I swear!
It’s for the good of all writers, I promise! :)

Often times, I find that when it comes to description, colours especially, I find I’m limited. And the basic, black, white, blue, all sounds very generic after a certain stage.
So for a while, I’ve been compiling a thesaurus of colour shades. And now I’m finally done with it. It’s very basic, but it’s helpful enough. There are colours missing, of course, but its still a useful tool for a writer. Especially when they can’t afford to detract away from their writing to go find a fancy word for ‘blue’ or something.

Just a warning, the colour shades vary in each group, so please don't assume that the 'synonym' colour you choose, is the colour you're thinking off. You'll be surprised.  I suggest you go and find a picture of  the colour you choose, just in case you're not sure.

Some of colours lapse into certain groups, so don't freak out. This happens. Colours mix, and sometimes they're placed in two or more groups because they embody both colours. 
Oh, and helpful hint, don’t over do it now that you have a nifty Colour Thesaurus. ;P 
‘Cause you’ll find your work a few words short of purple prose, and we don’t want that now do we? :P

I hope this helps you guys. 

It's in .PDF format. 
If you don't have a PDF reader, I suggest getting adobe reader.

If you want I have the .DOC file too. So, just leave me a comment and I'll add up the link for the .doc if there's a demand for it.

When you click on the link, it should open up a new window and prompt up the 'save' button. I've tested this for both, MAC and Windows, and they work perfectly fine. :)


P.S If you're curious. The link address is from my main site, which I don't update often. So i'm not stealing anything. Don't freak out ;P

xo xo


  1. It does help. I never thought about that before, but I see how it makes a difference.

